This is where you can search for your school's fundraiser and make donations to Wear it Wild. Thank you for shining a spotlight on nature loss by Wearing it Wild this Earth Hour Schools Day and raising funds to regenerate nature!

Two students dressed up as animals for Wear it Wild, Earth Hour Schools Day


Can't find your school?

It looks like your school hasn't registered for Wear it Wild just yet. Sign up today and help your class learn about nature and win great prizes along the way!
Taking part is easy
 – for a gold coin donation each, students can come dressed as their favourite animal. With Earth Hour lesson plans and wild fundraising ideas, students can learn about nature and help save it! If your school has registered, but you can't find it, let us know at earthhour@wwf.org.au

Toby Marquette


Lee Marshall


Lee Marshall


Sandrine de Coetlogon


Your impact this Earth Hour

Earth Hour is an opportunity for students, teachers and communities to come together and raise funds to show their support for a healthy future for people and nature, and to support the conservation work of WWF-Australia and our partners.

Two eastern quoll pups held in the hands of a conservationist


Could provide two months of supplemental feeding for an eastern quoll.


Could help build a metre of fox-proof fencing to protect threatened species like the eastern quoll and the brush tailed bettong.
A koala in a tree © WWF-Aus _ Adam Krowitz


Could create safe wildlife habitat corridors by planting trees in key locations so koalas can move safely between forest areas.
Juvenile platypus being held by a conservationist. Juvenile platypus being held by a conservationist


Could help valuable research informing conservation strategies that help restore platypus populations.


Get to know the Wear it Wild community below!


As the seventh largest member of the WWF Network, WWF-Australia has a challenging brief. We're striving to conserve biodiversity in Australia and throughout the Oceania region.

Earth Hour

Wear it Wild is part of Earth Hour - the world's biggest movement for the environment! Each year, millions around the world come together to call for stronger action on climate change.