Matt G

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My target 46 Hours for Earth

I'm taking time out for nature!

Whether it's 60 seconds, 60 minutes or beyond the hour, we can all take time for nature this Earth Hour.

I am taking time out for nature and have joined the worlds biggest movement to protect our planet. By moving my body and raising vital funds from my Earth Hour Challenge 60, I will be helping to protect and regenerate nature - restoring the planet for everything that calls it home.

I am shining a spotlight on nature loss to give Earth a brighter future. Help me in my challenge by sponsoring me today.

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Friday good to see people brought seeds and not bread to feed the birds

Saturday 9th Mar
Friday walk through Centennial Park I saw something different a few tourist girls that were enjoying the Corellas and Cockatoos, what amazed me and was incredible to see is these girls brought actual bird seed instead of bread which is what i usually see.
I noticed a few other tourists that were enjoying the Bats and were shocked at the size of them.
Its good too see people coming to enjoy and experience the wildlife in Centennial Park and to be well prepared with proper bird seed us incredible.
Photo of baby bird cying for food while the parent is searching for any left over bird seed.

Potential Lorikeet Nest Spotted

Wednesday 6th Mar
I went to Centennial Park and saw a few Corellas and got a few pictures of them playing eating and with their babies. 
Saw a Pelican up close only a few meters away, still amazed how big of bird they are. 
Saw the Settler geese including the one with a bad wing again. 
Noticed a baby kookaburra being fed and taught to fly at one end of the swamp.
There was 2 Lorikeets potentially looking at a future nest or current nest near the entrance. They were handing around a hollow in a tree that hangs over a pond.

Possums in Queens Park

Wednesday 6th Mar
There was bird noise cockatoo squawking or something not a bat late at night in Queens Park. Tonight I walked around to Queens Park and noticed some movement in one of the trees. I took a photo of the movement and it was 2 Possums, One possum was clearly the protector. These were Ringtail possums with the clear white marks at the end of the tail.


Tuesday 5th Mar
I went for a walk in Centennial Park and this time the afternoon quiet a few people doing exercise and fun to see people surrounded by the ducks and swans and corellas, could hear a lot of baby corellas crying to be fed from the parents. I did not go over cause the I didn't want to spook the birds that people were enjoying the company of. 
I got to see the bats sleeping in the trees in a swamp area. 

First day of Challenge 60

Friday 1st Mar
This afternoon went for a stroll in Centennial Park. Got to see the the Corellas playing after the heat of today with baby cry's to the parents.  I quickly noticed I needed a better camera to get half decent photos as phone camera seems to be broken. Managed to find 2 large feathers of corellas after they were done playing and moved areas. Saw a Pelican and shocking how big they are close.

Thank you to my Sponsors






Matthew Gillings